Research - Analysis - Evaluation

RAE Consulting

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Last updated: 20 September, 2007

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Needs-based Equity Audits of Public Service Provision

Equity audits seek to identify how fairly services or other resources are distributed relative to the needs of different groups. The ultimate goal of an equity audit is to assist the planning and decision-making processes of service providers as they strive to ensure that all in society have 'fair' access to the services they need.

At the heart of the equity audit process must stand a genuine understanding of the service needs of different groups. This is not easily obtained. Information regarding the extent to which different groups currently make use of services cannot be used as this only encompasses 'expessed need'. This will reflect the underlying pattern of need, but will also reflect service configurations and the extent to which different groups can negotiate access to the services that are available.

Recognising this, many service providers have turned to proxy indicators of need such as deprivation. These indicators are independent of service use, but it is often unclear precisely how they map onto levels of service need. For instance, that some sort of social gradient underpins coronary heart disease is well documented, but inferring levels of service need on the basis of an index of deprivation is deeply problematic. RAE Consulting offers clients an alternative approach based on robust, transparent and cost-effective mechanisms by which to assess the service needs of local populations.

The equity audit requires more than simply establishing the needs of local populations. RAE Consulting can also assist clients in their analysis of administrative and other data so as to identify gaps in service provison and thereby help determine appropriate targetted interventions and longer-term shifts in policy and service configuration.

Finally, the equity audit is an ongoing process in which the evaluation of progress towards appropriate service provision is central. Particularly through our ability to implement modelled surveys, RAE Consulting provides clients with the research capacity and technical expertise to adduce empirical evidence in support of their evaluation of progress.