Research - Analysis - Evaluation

RAE Consulting

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Last updated: 20 September, 2007

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Developing Research Capacity

All organisations occasionally find they do not possess the particular skills needed to address emerging research demands. Indeed, the problem can simply be one of knowing what options are available and thus what new skills might be deployed. 

At RAE Consulting we draw upon over a century's cumulative experience of a diverse range of academic and applied social science research. Whether you seek advice regarding how best to address new research demands, help with specific research questions, or perhaps guidance concerning what can be done with activity-relevant information embedded within your routine datasets, RAE Consulting can contribute towards the development of your organisation's research capacity. We can help you determine an appropriate skills mix and provide consultancy support when specific skills cannot sensibly be met through recruitment or staff development.

Whatever your organisation's principal activity, our wealth of experience and diverse range of specialist skills means we can advise on the application of almost all forms social research methodology. We have experts on all aspects of social research design and data analysis: including the analysis of large and complex datasets; the design and implementation of questionnaire-, interview- and ethnographically-based social surveys; socio-economic modelling; spatial modelling and GIS; monitoring and evaluating inter-agency partnership working and other programmes of service delivery; multivariate statistical analysis and applied statistical modelling. Other members of RAE Consulting specialise in planning legislation and policy; sustainable housing; need assessment and resource allocation for public service provision; health inequalities research; sexual and reproductive health; disability; and service provision in rural areas.

Please contact us if you would like to discuss how RAE Consulting might help you develop your organisation's research capacity and ensure that the research you undertake is methodologically sound and fit-for-purpose.